9 Famous Band Logos And What They Really Mean

2. Red Hot Chili Peppers' Star Logo Means Absolutely Nothing

When it comes to the logo of the rock band the Red Hot Chili Peppers, there are quite a number of common beliefs, most of them spawning from the band itself. It was once referred to as the €œStar Of Affinity€, with no real context as to what this might mean. It sounds kind of spiritual, and is just convincing enough that it would probably make listeners nod in critical introspection. It was also once referred to as the €œAngels Asshole€ due to its visual similarities to a certain part of the human anatomy (perhaps after someone has consumed a few too many red hot chilli-peppers?). But the reality is infinitely more amusing. In his autobiography Scar Tissue, front man Anthony Kiedis describes how he was asked by a record label executive to design a logo. Kiedis merely scribbled down the first thing that came into his head, and it stuck. So what does the Red Hot Chili Peppers logo mean? Literally nothing at all.
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