9 Scariest Songs You've Never Heard
7. Crispin Glover Clowny Clown Clown
Ever wonder what defines the moment that weird crosses the line into terrifying? Just listen to Crispin Glover's song Clownly Clown Clown. Clownly Clown Clown was released in 1989 from the album The Big Problem Does Not Equal The Solution, The Solution Equals Let It Be and has been universally regarded as, well...odd.
Despite being known for portraying eccentrics on the big screen, few knew how much that eccentricity extended into all of Glover's creative endeavours (though his infamous interview on the David Letterman show was a fairly big hint).
What makes Clownly Clown Clown so scary is a combination of things: the weird, abstract vocal delivery, the fact it's about stalker clowns and the unsettling background circus music that ties it all together. Then there's the music video, which features a seemingly never-ending barrage of chill-inducing masks and clown busts. All right Crispin, we get it...you're weird!