6. The White Stripes - "Fell In Love With A Girl"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTH71AAxXmM Come and kiss me by the riverside,Bobby says it's fine he don't consider it cheating I may be in the minority on this, but doesn't anyone else feel a little weird even thinking about Jack White as a man capable of having sexual intercourse? I prefer to believe he doesn't have a reproductive organ, just another smaller guitar where his penis should be. (He still plays it like a boss, and he doesn't receive any sexual gratification from it.) But apparently White isn't the asexual, guitar-junked android that I'd like to think he is, because the dude's breakout song is actually about being in love with a girl that's not in love with him. And she might also be in a relationship. Scratch that, she's most definitely in a relationship and Jack White is the creeper who can't take a hint. Don't worry, though, Jack's figured out a loophole in committed relationships. See, it's not really cheating if you just kiss. It's only cheating if there's penetration or nipple play, I guess. That's what Bobby says. Who's Bobby? ...Great question! White's never really specified the weirder details of this song, probably because he knows that the logic won't quite hold up to public scrutiny.