9 Times Marilyn Manson Was The Greatest Rockstar In Any Circle Of Hell

7. Gluttony - The Golden Age Of Grotesque

Album: The Golden Age of Grotesque (2003)

Killer Lyrics: “It’s a dirty word Reich / Say what you like”

Though other offerings deal with a more literal gluttonous consumption (i.e. Devour and Sweet Tooth), the titular track from Marilyn Manson’s fifth studio album, revels in the gluttony of material wealth, elaborate ceremonies, and the posturing of high society.

Like the album, its title track was heavily inspired by Manson’s then-girlfriend Dita Von Teese and her artistic influences, such as burlesque, cabaret, and swing music. The band made a considerable effort to distance themselves from nu-metal, the most prominent rock genre of the early ‘00s

The decadence and immorality of 1920s Berlin was another underpinning theme. Manson wrote the song’s lyrics with a burning piano in mind. The Golden Age of Grotesque is a dark cabaret number. It captures the elegance and exuberance of a cabaret alongside the horror of the rising Nazi party. Ginger Fish’s bass drum pounds like synchronised feet in a fascist march. The track also displays Manson’s flexible vocals, particularly showcasing his eerie high range.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.