Alter Bridge: 10 Awesome Facts Hardly ANYONE Knows

5. Brian Marshall Has A Side Hustle

alter bridge

When a musician has constantly been touring and recording for around three decades, you might assume they'd enjoy their downtime at home relaxing with the family or maybe splurging on a few too many late nights. For the longtime bassist of Alter Bridge, though, that isn't enough.

In a February 2020 Guitar World interview, Brian Marshall explained what his life was like when he wasn't busy with the rock group. For instance, when Myles Kennedy and Mark Tremonti had their own projects going on, Marshall still practiced with the band, but mostly, he spent time helping with the family and making additional income with his second job.

Marshall explained, when he isn't out being a famous rock star, he is a real estate agent down in sunshiny Florida. He and his family run a group together in addition to chasing their children around.

So, if you're not a super famous singer or equally super famous lead guitarist, you might want to reconsider burning too many of your 9-5 bridges before joining a band. You might just want or need them one day.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.