Alter Bridge: 10 Awesome Facts Hardly ANYONE Knows

4. Myles Kennedy Lives With Hearing Issues

alter bridge

After years of playing tunes at the threshold of pain without proper ear protection, Myles Kennedy had to step away from music in 2002 as he battled with tinnitus, which caused an unbearable ringing. Along with the affliction came unfortunate symptoms, such as depression and anxiety, making it more difficult for the vocalist to return to the world of rock n' roll.

During his time away, Kennedy decided to teach guitar. He was determined to maintain a more peaceful and quieter lifestyle at first, as he had lost an access point for the music industry. However, Kennedy was soon lured back into performing and ultimately joined the former Creed bandmates in creating what became Alter Bridge.

In several interviews, the frontman has admitted he still hears the ringing and TV-like hissing in his ears, although it is much more tolerable. Additionally, specialists have told the lead singer he has recovered well so far. In order to get by during touring, Kennedy utilizes a volume monitoring system that helps him prevent further hearing loss and additional pain.

If one lesson can be learned from his experiences, it's that maybe grandma is right and your music is too loud.


Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.