The Cure's Top 20 Songs

15. Three Imaginary Boys (From 'Three Imaginary Boys') The last song from their debut album of the same name released in 1979; this title track was a warning of what was to come from The Cure. As a song Three Imaginary Boys works in its simplicity and minimalism; two factors which would influence the band's next album 'Seventeen Seconds'. We hear Robert Smith's still youthful voice layered with vocal effects singing about a mysterious person trying to find help from three imaginary boys that are stalking our hero. The Cure would go on to write much darker music in the following years but this song was the one that broke the mold. It builds up a terrifying atmosphere which culminates with a menacing guitar solo at the 2 minute mark. Brilliance from a band that were only eighteen or nineteen when this song was written.

14. Want (From 'Wild Mood Swings') The opening track from their much maligned 'Wild Mood Swings' album, Want is a song that is painfully simple but great to listen to all the same. The song opens with a repetitive guitar lick, after about 40 seconds the drums start kicking in to build up the atmosphere and by 1:40 the beat properly starts. We're hardly aware at 2:20 that not a word has been sung as the instruments up to this point have worked so well in unison. As the song progresses it grows in intensity we get a feeling that the world is about to fall apart as Smith sings:
'I want the sky to fall in, I want lightning and thunder, I want blood instead of rain, I want the world to make me wonder, I want to walk on water, Take a trip to the moon Give me all this and give me it soon, More drink more dreams more drugs, More lust more lies more love, But however hard I want, I know deep down inside, I'll never really get more hope, Or any more time'

13. The Same Deep Water As You (From 'Disintegration') If you've never listened to The Cure's 'Disintegration' album before prepare for a bit of a shock; The Same Deep Water of You is 9 Minutes of pure beauty in song writing with no bouncing chorus that radio one listeners will be used to. This song is epic in every sense of the word. It is a song primarily about love or to be more specific, a love that will ultimately destroy the souls of those in love. It is a pretty song with a lot of Smith's innovative six stringed bass work but it is not a happy one with a bleak themes running throughout the lyrics which are sung with increasing desperation. Pounding drums keep this song going as the minutes go and we become engulfed (or drowned?) in the song. Finally, the song ends with the thunder and rain sound effects that it started with.
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The Cure
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Ginger gamer and practising historian from South Wales.