The Cure's Top 20 Songs

12. Underneath The Stars (From '4: 13 Dream') Throughout their long career The Cure have consistently been able to write long atmospheric songs that can trap the listener. This opening track from their most album, 4:13 Dream continues this trend. Underneath The Stars is a love song in its purest form and does not have a bitter edge to it unlike many other songs that the band has produced. Taken literally, the song is basically about a couple sitting watching the stars, but it also features some fantastic vocal effects and intricate guitar, which give it a very disintegration-esque feeling. Guitar chords ring out throughout to provide a wave crashing effect which accompany lyrics which would sound cheesy without the fantastic backdrop of sounds. If anything, Underneath the Stars proved that The Cure could still write attractive songs. It was a shame that the rest of 4:13 Dream was not this well produced.

11. Charlotte Sometimes (Non-album Single) Released as a non-album single in 1981, Charlotte Sometimes has all of the features that formed the so-called 'gothic' phase of Cure song-writing. A heavy repetitive bass-line that acts as lead? Check. A ton of echo and reverb effects? Check. Layered synths? Check. Mysterious lyrics stolen from a piece of literature of the same name? Check. Again, Charlotte Sometimes plays with many dark themes and despite being released as a single the song is quite non 'pop' although in parts it does have quite a traditional verse-chorus structure. Charlotte Sometimes is quite unique for a Cure song as it features very little guitar other than the deep bass-line and occasional ringing chord.

10. Open (From 'Wish') It is no coincidence that Open is the third song on this list that is the first song on a Cure album. The Cure have had a knack of writing brilliant opening (get it?) and closing songs to bookend albums, which then go on to become even better live show openers. To a lot of listeners of The Cure, Open will be instantly recognisable as it is the opener to their 1992 Album 'Wish' (The Cure's first and only No. 1 album). Taking some fairly obvious influences from the grunge movement Open displays The Cure at their most guitar heavy with little suggestion of the synths that were present in much of their 1980s material.The song starts with a fairly melodic bass-line and suddenly out of nowhere; WAAAHUM guitars clash with drums and The Cure have turned into Nirvana. Primarily Open is about leading a rockstar lifestyle, getting sick of the parties and drinking your sick until your 'sick to the heart' of it all. Bleak yes, but the rockier edge makes it quite unlike most other Cure songs.
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The Cure
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Ginger gamer and practising historian from South Wales.