Doctor Who Counter-Measures Series 1 - Now Available

Big Finish productions have released the series one box-set for "Counter-Measures".

Counter-Measures". The series acts as a sort-of sequel to the 1988 Doctor Who story, "Rememberance of the Daleks". In that story, the Seventh Doctor and Ace arrived on Earth in November of 1963, just in time to thwart a Dalek invasion. They didn't do it on their own, of course. No, they had help from some British military types. And it's those people that "Counter-Measures" follows. From the TV episode, we have the return of Group-Captain Gilmore (Simon Williams), and scientists Rachel (Pamela Salem) and Allison (Karen Gledhill). Together they form the Counter-Measures group, which is sort of a precursor to UNIT. From the story summaries it looks like it should be an interesting series, and from what I can tell, no previous experience with the original story will be required (though likely it will be helpful). Big Finish have had great successes in the past with their Doctor Who spinoff series, like "Jago and Litefoot", "UNIT", "Dalek Empire", "I, Davros" and the like. This one looks like it should be well-positioned to do great with fans and critics alike! I'll be receiving a reviewer copy from Big Finish soon and plan to have a review up as quickly as possible! Meantime, if you like you can go to Big Finish's website and check out the trailer for the series here.


Chris Swanson is a freelance writer and blogger based in Phoenix, Arizona, where winter happens to other people. His blog is at