Eminem: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Marshall Mathers LP

4. The Album's Clean Version Removed 'Kim' Entirely

Eminem marshall mathers lp
Haydn West/PA Archive

It’s hard to imagine listening to a clean version of an Eminem album without it just sounding like a phone call with a terrible reception, but it turns out a clean version of ‘The Marshall Mathers LP’ was released after the enormous success of the album.

The censors must have had their work cut out in editing out all of Eminem’s curse words and other questionable lyrics, but their biggest challenge turned out to be ‘Kim’, which they had to remove from the album entirely.

It turns out it is impossible to clean up a song that consists of brutally murdering your former lover. Who knew?

‘Kim’ was replaced on the clean version by a track called ‘The Kids’, a South Park-inspired song that warns school children about the dangers of drugs. In the song, Eminem sings “So don’t do drugs, so there’ll be more for me”, which is probably as close as you would have got to a ‘clean’ Eminem song at the time.

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Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.