Enter Shikari Albums Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Take To The Skies

TTTS is their debut album which features some classic bangers, that are as popular today as they were at time of release. The album is over ten years old but still feels fresh and relevant now.

This is evidenced whenever Sorry You're not a Winner is played, or the fact that their latest album reprises the motif: 'And still we will be here, standing like statues', which is also reprised by the crowd before every gig.

Adieu provides a counter to the heavy stylings of the rest of the album and is delicate whilst leading up to the climax of the record.

As political as they became later on, the messages behind songs were already present. On later albums they would talk about Brexit or the worries of climate change, but here they would implore people not to use Duracell batteries in their track Return to Energiser. Simply divine.


Writer on wrestling, music and comedy - and sometimes all three at once