Every Arctic Monkeys Single Ranked Worst To Best

11. Suck It And See

A classic love song about a romance that becomes almost unhealthy in its passion, Suck It And See is the title track that throws away cliché while diving into romanticism. The song is creative, yet classic, taking its name from the popular British saying. Suck It And See alludes to the idea that you’ve got to dive in headfirst to see what something is all about - you’ll never know until you try.

A slower addition to the rawkus rock ragers on the list, Suck It And See features insane melody and beautiful lyricism. This song is an example of how the band dialed up their vintage side and changed following the their darker album Humbug, as a result this song is poppier and more swooning than ever before.

As an album, Suck It And See was wistful and truly Arctic Monkeys, it took the band out of a place of comfort and darkness with it’s signature play on guitar led pop. This title track embodies that and the way it changed the band’s legacy from having one fantastic formula to constantly evolving. Without songs like this, we wouldn’t have had the Arctic Monkeys as we now know them.


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