Every Childish Gambino Single Ranked Worst To Best

4. Sober

The first time that we saw Gambino stray from his rambunctious and rowdy rap stylings in what can only be referred to as the perfect juxtaposition to it. The song in question was part of Gambino’s Kauai or (STN/MTN) mixtape, which was a generally well-received project, despite being released well under the radar and despite a lack of commercial success, the lead single Sober was an absolute revelation as we discover Glover’s affinity for singing front and centre, complete with a hook that will embed itself in your memory for a long time to come afterwards and a melody that’ll infect your brain with its jittery tenderness.

Being one of the two songs with a video centring around Glover’s alias Childish Gambino experiencing the fructuous ubiquity of trying to impress a girl whose peripheral vision isn’t exactly fixated onto him. The song (collaboratively with the video) relays a story about this individual winning her over with some excellently crafted choreography.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com