Every Childish Gambino Single Ranked Worst To Best

3. 3005

"No matter what you say and what you do, when I'm alone I'd rather be with you" - This line right here feels like it’s been stuck in my head since 2005.

With what some people would credit as being Gambino's breakout single (especially a few of us here in the UK as it was out first-real exposure to the artist). It should go without saying that although the relativity, coupled with its longevity won't last indefinitely. It is in fact, a metaphysical mainstay in his forever growing library of music, giving birth to Gambino’s signature nonchalantly provocative style as the bass and kick drums supply the perfect backdrop to a manifestation of unforgiving lyrics camouflaged by his uninterested tone of voice, almost as if he’s directly addressing the audience before leading them into the poetically polarising contradiction of a chorus as fans everywhere rejoice in a certain signature line, consistently monotone in its delivery, producing a memorable R&B song that definitely lives outside of its defined confines.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com