Every Childish Gambino Single Ranked Worst To Best

10. Me And Your Mama

In an unprecedented turn of events, Childish Gambino’s transient album “Awaken, My Love!” is credited with breaking new ground in the artists collection of obscurity.

'Me and Your Mama' may be one of the most definitive examples of this existential trend that seems to be a never-ending façade, predominantly associated with the rapper/singer/actor…we’ll be here all day if I continue.

The lyrical content is nothing short of overtly sensual love-making music backed up by a mesmerising set of instruments that intuitively blend together in order to create a sound adjacent to a near perfect replica of the soul music created by Marvin Gaye, James Brown and Al Green. It might even reflect that of the original Jazz musicians of Nat King Cole, Miles Davis and John Coltrane encapsulated in an aura of modern traditionalist values.

Creating a seriously vast throwback for the ages on an album that seems to be a tribute to a very (deservedly of its title) golden era of music. Enriching the current climate and inaugurating a new generation into an older, yet refreshing genre of music which remained shackled in mainstream purgatory until this album was brought to fruition.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com