Every Childish Gambino Single Ranked Worst To Best

11. Crawl

“Crawl” upon primary inspection is nothing more than a typically undistinguished rap effort which seems destined to become indistinguishable, lost in the abyss of the millions of songs written in the same vein as this one. Or at least these were my thoughts the first few times I heard this song. It wasn’t until writing this article that I actually found a much deeper admiration and respect for this entry.

Although I had originally written it (Crawl) off as just another rap song, after further investigation into the lyrics I began to become appeased upon discovering the multiple comedic aspects, especially in the way that he briefly diverts attention away from his rapping to repeat the next line as he emphasises the exaggeration of; “At her booooooooooty” in a hilariously harmonious hitch, leading the song down a path to various pop culture references in the form of timely circumstantial lines such as;-

I gotta wait in line for that, Ain't nobody got time for that, Ain't nobody gotta rhyme with that, Too true like 2 Chainz”

Exemplifying its cohesiveness with the brilliantly witty wordplay, I found a much deeper even if equivocal, fidelity. The only hindrance holding this back is the sheer briefness of the song, feeling submissive to its filler content rather than adding more flesh to its already healthy bones.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com