Guns N' Roses Coachella: 5 Ways It Could Be Amazing (And 5 It Could Suck)

2. It€™ll Be Great To Have Some Danger Back In Music In their heyday, Guns N€™ Roses were labeled €œthe most dangerous band in the world€, and that was not a reputation they had earned lightly. There follows a short selection of their wildest moments: When Guns N€™ Roses first signed a record deal, Slash blew all of his advance on drugs. He later went on a Jack Daniels and heroin binge, culminating in him running naked across an Arizona golf course while being pursued by "predators with rubbery-looking dreadlocks". Not to be outdone, Axl Rose has got into a fair few fights with people. While recording Rocket Queen on Appetite For Destruction, Axl Rose had sex with his bandmate Steven Adler€™s girlfriend, and they used her moans as overdubs on the song's mid-point break. Meanwhile, on track Get In The Ring, Axl called out all the journalists who had annoyed him over the years and asked them outright for a fight. It was the American version of walking into a pub you€™ve been barred from and shouting €œYou, me, outside! Now!€ to the landlord and all the bar staff. He even punched David Bowie once. At live concerts throughout their career the band have managed to incite numerous riots, and they even recorded a song written by Charles Manson. Compare these antics to the anodyne, beige nothingness of people like Coldplay or Mumford And Sons, and you realise that it€™s going to be great to finally have some danger back in music.

A man who writes things.