Guns N' Roses Coachella: 5 Ways It Could Be Amazing (And 5 It Could Suck)

1. It€™s Going To Be Incredibly Fun While It Lasts There€™s a very real chance that after years of trading insults, the uneasy truce that Guns N€™ Roses seem to have reached could be broken at any time. If it does break €“ or even when it breaks €“ there will be fireworks, there will be recriminations, and in all likelihood Guns N€™ Roses will be no more. But rather than worrying about the fact that it might go to hell at any moment, we should treasure the time when it's still goes smoothly. Let's face it, this reunion is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see one of the greatest rock bands of all time going on a victory lap and getting one last pay day. Nobody seriously believes that it will last, or that a new period of peace and harmony in Guns N€™ Roses will suddenly break out. No one is placing bets on them making two or three critically-acclaimed albums over the next few years, either. We should see this reunion for what it is: a short-lived thrill-ride along memory lane that€™s going to be incredibly exciting while it lasts. That we don€™t know if it€™ll sustain the full tour just adds to that suspense, and every single attendee at every single show can legitimately say €œThis could be the last time they ever play together€. However...

A man who writes things.