Guns N' Roses Coachella: 5 Ways It Could Be Amazing (And 5 It Could Suck)

4. Axl Rose Is A Fat Mess Back in the band€™s heyday, Axl Rose was most often seen wearing hugely uncool white cycling shorts and a red plaid shirt on stage. For all his sartorial ineptitude, in those days he had the figure to pull that look off, and his getup allowed him to whirl like a dervish or sprint all over the stage. These days he€™s - how do I say this kindly? - a little larger. When the Axl-plus-some-session-musos incarnation of the band headlined Reading and Leeds festivals in 2010, Axl was so out of shape he had three or four of what were called €œcostume changes€, but were clearly breaks so he could catch his breath. Around the same time Scott Weiland called him a €œfat Botox-faced wig wearer€ and Slash€™s brother Ash Hudson recently had to apologise for calling Rose €œa fat b*stard€. In a Facebook post he said €œthe reunion would only be a disappointment and an action that would result in loved Axl when he was beautiful, now he€™s Fat Elvis.€ For the GnR classic line-up reunion to truly work, Axl needs to get back to his mid-90s body shape. If he can€™t hold his microphone stand and spin around as the frantic outro of Paradise City unfolds around him, then what hope is there for the rest of the show?

A man who writes things.