Guns N' Roses Coachella: 5 Ways It Could Be Amazing (And 5 It Could Suck)

3. They Could Go On To Record New Songs It€™s always the most worrying part of any band getting back together after a long time away. Will they or won€™t they record new material? Because 99 times out of 100, that new material is going be awful; an exercise that basically treats their legacy as one massive urinal. Most comeback albums have gone so badly wrong it€™s almost hysterical. In recent history, The Pixies released Indie Cindy, which you don€™t even need to listen to. Such a cringeworthy title automatically loses the listener€™s goodwill right off the bat. Occasionally it goes well - Faith No More made a surprisingly good go of their post-reunion album, last year€™s Sol Invictus - but this is the exception, not the rule. With this in mind, there remains the terrifying possibility that the reunited Guns N€™ Roses will defy the odds, discover they actually enjoy being back together so much that they decide €œYeah, a new GnR album sounds like a good idea€. Take a second to imagine how that might sound. A cross between the bloated excess of Chinese Democracy and the flung-togetherness of The Spaghetti Incident is the most likely scenario, and a horror of that magnitude doesn€™t bear thinking about. In short, it€™s not going to sound good.

A man who writes things.