Kiss: 10 Awesome ‘70’s Songs You’ve Never Heard

3. "Plaster Caster" From Love Gun, 1977 A great example of €˜70€™s power chording layered over what quite possibly could be the most ridiculous semi-true story ever. The song€™s subject was inspired by an artist who apparently made it her life€™s work to cast the penises and breasts of famous people. Don€™t believe me? Look it up. While there is no evidence that Simmons had his member immortalized in this fashion he was sufficiently inspired to write Plaster Caster. Ace Frehley provides some of the album€™s tastier solo work throughout the track

2. "Charisma" From Dynasty, 1979 Another classic Gene Simmons ego-fest, Charisma is the heir apparent to Paul Stanley€™s groupie anthem from the Destroyer album, €œDo You Love Me?€ While Stanley€™s tune seems to wistfully long for true love Simmons€™ Charisma has no such illusions. The god of thunder asks us to consider which of his otherworldly talents cause us to fall prostrate before him in awe. At the time of Dynasty€™s release disco was king and Kiss was busy cashing in with the album€™s big hit, €œI Was Made For Loving You€. For those of us that were puzzled at the time by the direction Dynasty took, Charisma was as good as it got from a straight-up hard rock perspective. It€™s been said that Dynasty is a very good album, just not a very good Kiss album.
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Ross Ingall is a 52 year old ordained Canadian baptist minister who has been listening to hard rock and metal quite literally since each was invented. A second career pastor who attended seminary in his 40's, the Rev hosts Too Metal For Church on Metal Nation Radio. Writing both under his own name as well as the psuedonym/nickname Reverend Rock, Ross has been writing music articles on the web since 1999.