Metallica: 10 Best Hard Rock Songs

7. Turn The Page

When it came out, Garage Inc. was heralded as a good placeholder album in between regular releases, but diehard fans were still feeling burned by the band's perceived missteps on Load and Reload. After combing through it though, this collection of cover songs may be one of the most overlooked highlights of the band's entire career.

It may not have the most original tunes on it, but the band's interpretations of rock staples through their hard rock lens makes for some breathtaking performances.

While many single out their version of "Whiskey in the Jar" when talking about this record, their run through Bob Seger's "Turn the Page" is nothing short of perfection. The track perfectly captures the loneliness that comes with being a traveling musician moving from town to town, meeting more and more people that you'll forget in two weeks.

The way Kirk Hammett uses his guitar to mimic the original's saxophone line is one of the most understated feats of brilliance he has laid down. Suddenly, this subdued little song from the classic rock era has become a little mini journey through the life of the traveling loner at the end of the bar.

Just when the song leaves you on a high, it's time to turn the page yet again.


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