MF DOOM Albums Ranked From Worst To Best


mf doom madvillainy madvillain madlib
Lex Records

BORN LIKE THIS is an experimental album (even for DOOM) that gets its name from the first line in the Charles Bukowski poem "Dinosauria, We" which is read by Mr. Bukowski himself in the song CELLZ. The poem is the perfect summation of what DOOM was going for on this album: harsh, scary realism. DOOM's unfiltered lyrics make you think while also getting you hyped up with beats that can sound like anything from 50's inspired big band music to lo-fi hip hop.

Unfortunately, though this album has a few tracks that are absolute masterpieces, such as THAT'S THAT and GAZILLION EAR (the latter produced by hip hop legend J Dilla), the experimental nature of this album leaves it lacking the cohesive feel that all of DOOM's other albums have and many songs on the album are much more forgettable and don't really say much.

BORN LIKE THIS is a great chapter in MF DOOM's history but doesn't stand out as anything special when compared to most of his other work.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.