Mötley Crüe: Every Album Ranked Worst To Best

6. Saints Of Los Angeles

After years of experimenting and in band fighting, it had been years since we actually got a fairly decent Motley Crue album. As the '00s started to draw to a close, New Tattoo left a bit of a sour taste for fans, combined with the fact that Tommy Lee was nowhere to be seen. Once Tommy was able to bury the hatchet with the rest of the guys, it was time to hunker down and remind the world why these guys were dangerous in the first place.

In the grand scheme of Crue releases, Saints of Los Angeles might not be the greatest return to form from cover to cover. There are some definite highlights like the title track and MF of the Year, and yet a lot of these songs still have the subtle traces of something like Sixx: AM sprinkled into the fold.

However, this is one of the few instances where that collaboration pays off, with most of the album almost playing out like a movie chronicling the lives of the Crue back in their glory days. Even though there's a pretty potent nostalgia stench coming off of this, it's the kind of nostalgia that makes you ache to hear more once it's finished. Far from the Crue's best outing, but a decent effort to wrap a career on just the same.


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