Oasis What's The Story - Every Song Ranked

6. Cast No Shadow

Some Oasis haters seem to slag off Noel Gallagher's lyrics as nothing more than putting rhyming words together without making a cohesive statement. While there are some Oasis songs that tend to be mindless word association, "Cast No Shadow" is one of the glowing exceptions to that rule.

With a simple acoustic backing track, this tune has a great theme of abandon laced throughout its lyrics. It speaks of the everyday problems of man as he struggles to communicate because he doesn't understand the weight behind his words and feels like less of a person because of it. The way the Gallagher brothers harmonize as they sing about this man not even having a shadow when facing the sun is one of the most moving vocal passages on the record.

This song is an example of a track that is left abstract, but in the best way possible. We've all been in situations where we've said something wrong and felt lost, but Oasis perfectly frames what it's like to feel like a non-entity within a pair of speakers. While we may sometimes feel like we cast no shadow, it is certain that the sun will shine on us again.

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I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97