R Kelly's 10 Craziest Song Lyrics Of All Time

4. 'Cookie' - Black Panties (2013)

Cookie, cookie, cookie, I'm a cookie monster Break your back, crack it open like a lobster
The official first single to be lifted from the Black Panties album features this lyric, making T.I's rap verse in 'Blurred Lines' sound more like a nursery rhyme as well as a very misogynistic video consisting of scantily clad women gyrating in gold bikinis. Kells compares himself to the cookie monster, making a very innocent, much-loved childhood character from Sesame Street into a sleazy sexual predator. More like "Om vom vom vom" than "Om nom nom nom". The whole idea of engaging in any type of sexual activity with a giant, blue furry creature with a deep, croaky voice and googly eyes is extremely creepy and besides, children's TV characters and puppets is a very strange fetish to have.
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