Ranking The '27 Club' Based On Musical Talent

8. Alan Wilson

Alan 'Blind Owl' Wilson is probably one of the more underrated entries on this list, which is a shame, because he made great blues music. Wilson and his band Canned Heat often get overlooked when it comes to American blues. The musician's delicate voice was very unique in a genre that was dominated by very powerful, deep, masculine sounds; perhaps it was the singer's exclusive pitch that had an effect on Canned Heat's lack of recognition. The singer was also incredible with a harmonica, a sound that would compliment his voice and create a back-catalogue of hit records for his band. Away from music, Wilson was a pretty eccentric character. He would regularly sleep outside rather than in his house, as he preferred to be closer to nature. It was actually within his camper van in the woods where Wilson's body was found. It is heavily assumed that the musician took his own life after overdosing on barbiturate pills, though that has not been established for certain. However, reports suggest that he had unsuccessfully attempted suicide on a previous occasion. Canned Heat were forced to replace Wilson immediately due to an unbreakable tour contract and prearranged studio dates. Unfortunately personalities in the new formed band would soon clash, creating a damaging lack of rapport and an absence in progression.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.