Ranking All 13 Madonna Studio Albums From Worst To Best

2. Ray Of Light (1998)

madonna albums

The runner up is Madonna's seventh studio album, and, similarly to the top spot, is one that focuses thematically on Madonna's spirituality, except this album focuses on her studies of Hinduism and Buddhism.

The album has been universally praised and hailed as one of her best, with everyone admiring her new direction and focus on the electronica and dance genres.

It is frequently found on lists of the greatest albums of all time, and shows some of Madonna's key qualities as a musician. Her ability to alter her image and music to fit the current trends and audiences, whilst also expressing her vocal ability and personal mindset at the time of recording.

She felt there was a whole new piece of her voice she hadn't used before, and decided to build this album around exploring this new direction for her singing.

With impressive individual tracks such as 'Frozen' and 'Ray of Light' achieving incredible chart success, and the album as a whole playing so well, this outing from Madonna has everything an artist could want from an album, and is rightly considered one of her best.

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