OK Go: Every Concept Video Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Last Leaf


3,000 individual slices of bread were used to create this stop motion magic. But before you start lamenting about how much food was wasted for the purpose of 160 seconds of art, know that all 215 loaves of dough were well past their sell-by date, so they would have just been thrown in the garbage had OK Go not saved them from the clutches of a neglected life.

The idea for the "Last Leaf" video came from the long-running trend of people claiming to see religious figures in their toast. (Remember when that Virgin Mary toast sold on eBay for $28,000?) Artist Geoff McFetridge sent the band a Flash version of the animation, and they then programmed a goddamn LASER to etch each and every frame into a piece of toast.

So, basically they took something no one else wanted (old bread) and made it into something extraordinary (laser toast)? Hmm. Kinda sounds like an apt metaphor for OK Go's entire career...

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.