The Killers: Ranking The Christmas Songs From Worst To Best

2. Boots Brandon Flowers has certainly always been the reflective sort, and for 2010's Christmas single this was dialled up to the extreme. Boots is not only a great Killers Christmas song, it's also a damned good Killers song. Brandon the storyteller returned from his first solo record to get the band back together here, and the result was a true triumph. Opening with a clip from festive favourite It's A Wonderful Life, the song goes on to tell the story of a man taking stock of his previous years in late December, with a new one looming just over the horizon. The song's video mirrors this familial tone, featuring New York street performer Brad Prowly (aka Super Bad Brad) as he attempts to gather together enough money to return home and provide a happy Christmas for his family. Brandon Flowers has called this his favourite of the band's festive singles, explaining how he is fond of looking back at the White Christmasses he had with his family in Utah before the move to Vegas. Boots is a real sentimental stirrer, and a great representation of just how emotive a lyricist Flowers can be. And if you think you can possible watch the video and listen to the song without feeling the presence of impending tears, then I truly fear for your soul...
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The Killers
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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.