The Top 12 Albums of 2012

2. Converge €“ All We Love We Leave Behind

Converge-All-We-Love-We-Leave-Behind With over twenty years behind them, you€™d imagine that Converge might have settled into cruise control by now, hell, maybe even calmed down some. In response to your having the audacity to wondering that, this year, Converge decided to slap you in the face. They then decided to scream at you as they kicked the shit out of you after you dropped to the floor from that slap. By which I mean they released a new album. Possibly one of the most consistently brutal and brilliant bands of, well, ever, All We Love We Leave Behind sees the band release another expert display in impassioned rage, just as they have done with every album really, especially since, the generally considered to be a masterpiece, Jane Doe. All We Love sees the band widening their noise spectrum though, encapsulating as it does elements of post-hardcore and doom alongside more melody, more groove and more clean vocals. Yet, this doesn€™t soften the blow it just intensifies it. Key tracks €“ Aimless Arrow, Sadness Comes Home, Vicious Muse, All We Love We Leave Behind

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits