The Top 12 Albums of 2012

8. Crystal Castles €“ III

crystal-castles-iii-608x608 Renowned purveyors of electronic noise Crystal Castles returned this year with their third album and continued down the path of €˜doing a Led Zeppelin€™ and opting for numerical self-titling instead of actual titles. What€™s in a name though, when Crystal Castles is all that needs adorn an album to let the listener in on what they€™re in for? Since their first album, Crystal Castles have been making a name for themselves outside of the music, but it is the music that counts. Though their second album branched out and explored their sound further, it fell a little short of the debut in places. However with III the duo have come good, and expanded their sound further still. This time around you get the abrasive and distorted house and electronic but so too they have embraced their tendencies toward the ethereal and melancholic. In such a manner that Alice Glass has more clean and audible vocals. They€™ve got gone soft though, this is still very much Crystal Castles, and a long way from easy listening, they€™ve just broadened their horizons to spectacular effect. Key tracks €“ Plague, Wrath of God, Affection, Sad Eyes

Life's last protagonist. Wannabe writer. Mediocre Musician. Over-Thinker. Medicine Cabinet. @morganrabbits