Justin Bieber started walking down the apocalyptic trail of his career this year when he turned 19 and decided in predictable fashion that he 'wasn't a little kid anymore, yo'. He then proceeded to make this as painfully obvious to the public as possible, through a series of desperate grabs at attention that always, and often hilariously, backfired, generating increasingly bizarre and cringeworthy headlines, month after month. Between abusing paparazzi, showing up late for gigs, avoiding drug possession charges and seeking out prostitutes, Bieber also took the time this year to offend holocaust survivors, and the general populace, worldwide, stating he hoped Anne Frank, 'would have been a belieber'. Not to mention an incident in Germany where Bieber's 'pet' monkey was quarantined after he forgot to bring his permit. He did what any responsible owner would do and - oh, wait, no, he left the country, and the monkey behind with it. Somewhere, Bubbles is rolling in his grave. By trying to prove himself to his haters, he alienated himself from his fan base of teenyboppers and their soccer moms. He was quickly showing himself to be the arrogant, narcissistic primadonna only the American pop music industry could be responsible for. Bieber's fall from grace become more evident than ever when he was booed by a crowd of thousands when he was awarded a 'Milestone Award' at the Billboard Music Awards in May. Flash forward six months, and the name Justin Bieber is already fading into irreverence, and his concert tickets are being scalped by even his most dedicated 'Beliebers'.