Top 16 Anti-Mainstream Albums Of 2013

15. Stone Sour €“ House of Gold & Bones Part 2

1365380162 Y2qtvizbuwk In something of a risky manoeuvre for Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor€™s €˜other band€™, he wrote the concept-heavy House of Gold & Bones double-album as a tie-in with a self-penned graphic novel of the same name. Whilst the 5-part novel had a fair share of badass moments and character-drive revelations, ultimately it€™s the albums that are the returning factor. Bones Part 2 continues the extremely high bar the band set for themselves with Part 1, capitalising on the sledgehammer-riffage from the likes of My Name is Allen with the brutally heavy Gravesend, the fantastic title-track that mimics the structure of Part 1's Gone Sovereign, and the stupidly fun-to-chant Do Me A Favor. Corey Taylor is one of the greatest frontmen and songwriters working in music today, and with a new Slipknot album on the horizon, Stone Sour are more than capable of corralling the masses in the interim. Grab yourself a copy of the accompanying comic and get lost in the world of Mr. Taylor, as it remains one of the most fantastically detailed and energetic you'll find.
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