Top 5 Obscure Metallica Tracks

4. Trapped Under Ice Ride The Lightning is a fantastic album, through and through. The opening one-two punch of Fight Fire With Fire and Ride The Lightning is a 16 minute sensory blast that starts the album off strong. Followed by the classic fan favourite For Whom The Bell Tolls and the timeless ballad Fade to Black, the album also finishes very strong with the almost orchestral epics, Creeping Death and Call of Ktulu. Track six of the album Escape, has it's own infamous following inside the band as "the worst song they've ever written", as it was allegedly conceived as an attempt at producing some radio-friendly rock that might get some mainstream airplay. The song has only been played at Metallica's first Orion Festival but was still treated as a joke. But track #5 on the album is a largely forgotten gem of the Metallica catalogue. Trapped Under Ice is a great four minute thrash metal track, that tells the cheesy tale of a dystopian future visited by a cryogenically frozen time-traveler. The song is fast, upbeat with some great, catchy riffs and choruses. But sandwiched between the classic Fade to Black, and paired with maybe the worst Metallica song (of the 80s at least) Trapped Under Ice went unnoticed in the shadow of Ride The Lightning's classic tracks.
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