So that day is upon us once more: the day which society dictates we set aside to showing our affection to our partners through Hallmark cards, flowers and chocolate. Yes, today is Valentine's Day and love is in the air. I'm not going to lie to you.... the fact of the matter is: I don't like Valentine's Day. Not because I'm cynical (I probably am), not because I'm alone and bitter (I'm not), and not because I have a moral issue with the commercialisation of the emotion of love, but simply because I feel that those of us lucky enough to have someone special in our lives should show them how we feel everyday - which rather defeats the point of setting aside a single day in February. But that's enough about my opinion of Valentine's Day. It's important to remember on a day like today that not all of us can be so lucky when it comes to relationships. With love often comes heartbreak, that soul destroying feeling that buries itself in the pit of your stomach, grabs on tight and robs you of any sense of hope for the future. But there is a silver lining in all of this - in my opinion heartbreak is the most powerful of emotions when it comes to songwriting. There are few sounds that are so raw and real than those songs born out of painful breakups (real or fictional). So you can keep your love songs and you can keep your empowering breakup songs.... the real music that should be celebrated today are those depressing songs that serve only to make us relive past pain and remind us that - despite the attempts of the greeting card companies -= the fact of the matter is, sometimes life plain sucks. So without further ado, here are my top 10 painful breakup songs.