Valentine's Day: 20 Greatest Love Songs Of All Time

19. "Yellow" - Coldplay It€™s time to face a couple of cold (excuse the pun) hard facts: leggings are not pants, Superman would destroy Batman, and Coldplay has sold out. Don€™t shoot the messenger. But, come on, if you built a time machine and traveled back to circa-2000-Parachutes-era Coldplay, held Martin down and played anything from Mylo Xyloto, I€™m pretty sure he would self-destruct (releasing a 6 part comic series telling the story behind the record€yeah, that€™s not pretentious). Since we€™re already visiting circa-2000-Parachutes-era Coldplay let€™s take a look at €œYellow.€ Martin€™s reedy vocals are perfectly suited to the song€™s ethereal feel. The song was everywhere in 2000 and it captured what we wanted to be in the new millennium: hopeful and romantic, thoughtful and transcendent.
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