10 Amazing Things That Your Body Does Every Single Day

6. Fills In The Gaps In Your Vision

Amazing human body

Over a lifetime, you will spend around five years of it blinking. The average blink lasts about half a second and you blink around five times a minute, and yet, you never even notice that fact that your world is plunged into darkness every 12 seconds.

This is because your brain simply chooses to ignore it.

A group of scientists recently ran an experiment to look into this phenomenon. They put fibre optic lights into the mouths of participants and then covered their eyes. The lights were so bright that they were able to shine through the roof of the mouth and hit the retinas meaning that, even when the participants blinked, the amount of light hitting their retinas would remain constant. 

Despite this, the scientist still saw that the brain would still suppress its visual processing areas whenever they blinked.

A similar thing happens whenever you move your eyes. If you were able to see exactly what it  looks like whenever you swivel your eyes, you would get very dizzy, very quickly. 

The brain selectively blocks the signals whenever you move your eyes, creating the illusion that your vision is completely rock steady and saving the human race from a life of perpetual sea sickness.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.