10 Amazing Things That Your Body Does Every Single Day

5. Ignores Stuff

Amazing human body
Universal Pictures

You're suddenly very aware of your tongue in your mouth, the clothes on your skin, and the rate of your breathing. Annoying isn't it?

Sorry to do that to you, but it just goes to show how very good the brain is at blocking out distracting signals. This allows it to focus on one task at a time, without having to simultaneously process massive amounts of data.

For example, when you're at a loud party, your brain will eventually fade everybody else's conversations into the background so that you can focus on putting your slickest moves on that hottie in the kitchen (raised eyebrows are a good thing, right?)

Not only is this super handy for day to day life, but it could well lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of chronic pain.

The brain will not block out pain quite so readily as it blocks out background noise, because pain is usually a sign that something is wrong and requires your attention. If we can figure out exactly how the brain does its thing with chatter, we could use this to block the signals of constant pain that some people live with.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.