10 Amazing Things That Your Body Does Every Single Day

4. Turns Broccoli Into Energy

Amazing human body

Okay, not just broccoli, but the body is essentially a big old fleshy power station, turning the food we eat into both energy, and the building blocks to help us grow and repair.

Pretty basic stuff, but just because you learnt it in primary school, it doesn't mean that it's not amazing.

Your body requires a massive amount of energy just to stay functioning. In just half an hour, you produce enough heat in your body to bring two litres of water to the boil; in a day, your heart produces so much energy, that it could power a truck for up to 20 miles. 

It takes energy to digest food, to grow, to send signals from your nerves to your brain, it even takes energy just to think. In fact, your brain uses up to 20% of your entire caloric and oxygen intake just to keep ticking over.

 And this is all before you factor in your marathon training, stair climbing, child lifting and basically any other work that you subject your body to.

This is all made possible by the body's incredible ability to extract energy and nutrients from the food you eat and either burn it up straight away, or squirrel it away to your fat stores, turning you into some kind of giant battery.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.