One of the weirder side effects of burning up that excess fat is stinky farts. Not all the time, fortunately, but once your body starts kicking things into gear and mining your fat reserves for energy, the result is often near-deadly flatulence. (This has been my experience, and that of others, including John Walker of The Hacker's Diet.) Even if you manage to survive that initial transition from burning carbs to burning fat without becoming a walking biohazard, any kind of diet (in the "what you eat, no matter what it is" sense, not the "eating to lose weight" sense) that's going to support long-term, sustainable weight loss is going to be high in fiber: fruits, vegetables, whole grain wheat products, and beans. In other words, exactly the kind of foods that make you gassy (and more regular in your bowel movements, to boot). UC Professor Dr. Robert H. Lustig has summed up the contemporary Western diet problem this way: fart or be fat. Dieting for, and then maintaining, a trim body can (depending on how your body in particular reacts to food) mean a lifetime of cutting the cheese. So supermodels and Hollywood stars might be beautiful, but they probably stink.
After obtaining a BA in Philosophy and Creative Writing, Katherine spent two years and change teaching English in South Korea. Now she lives in Sweden and edits articles for Turkish science journals. When she isn't writing, editing, or working on her NaNo novel, Katherine enjoys video games, movies, and British television.