10 Best Unfinished Stephen King Novels

8. The Other Side Of The Fog

stephen king books

Pete Jacobs is a man who discovers a mysterious fog that serves as a gateway between dimensions. He travels through, inadvertantly winding up in the future (2007) that is populated by Dinosaurs. Unable to control any of it, he searches through various worlds, trying to find others like him.

With shades of Quantum Leap, The Mist and Jurassic World, this story could have served as the jumping off point for any number of stories. It could have been a lighthearted adventure tale ala Scott Bakula's trips through the universe, or something much darker and more sinister, like The Mist.

The idea of time travel as well has popped up in several of King's works, though perhaps most notably in 11/22/63, his fantastic novel detailing the attempt to go back in time and save JFK from assassination. That novel too discusses the dark side of time travel, depicting the butterfly effect that changes in the past can make to the future.

For this story, the fog is something of the unknown, leading to a future that simply shouldn't be. While the JP series seems determined to bring humanity and dinosaurs together, none of those films have particularly shown a world where that would be a good thing to happen.

Jacobs may be the only man to experience this world and, if popular culture is anything to go by, that may be for the best.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick