10 Bizarre Place Names You Won't Believe Are Real

6. Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, USA

Mind. Blown. Truth or Consequences?! Really? That's the actual name of an actual place? Incredibly, yes. A spa city located in New Mexico, Truth or Consequences is a popular residence for retirees and is famed for its hot springs. So, why is it so named? Is this a city built on morality, honesty and a strong belief in considering the repercussions of our behaviour? Well, not quite. T or C changed it's name from the sensible, but not particularly creative, Hot Springs to the rather mental Truth or Consequences to win a competition. Yes, really. Ralph Edwards, host of a popular radio show by the name Truth or Consequences in 1950s America, challenged towns across the US to rename themselves after it to win the honour of the programme airing from there. Naturally, Hot Springs' response to this was "challenge accepted!" And so the name has been ever since... This event cemented Truth or Consequences' status as victim of possibly the strangest case of geographical renaming in recorded history.
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Stephanie is a writer and free spirit who likes to pretend she's a Londoner, though strictly speaking she's from Watford. She likes books, music, elephants, and hairspray.