10 Celebs And Their Creepily Fanatical Stalkers

3. Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman secured her bad-*ss credentials when she starred in the Tarantino-directed Kill Bill movies - perhaps she would have liked to unsheathe her sword in the real world to wield against Jack Jordan, the man who stalked her not once, but twice. Jordan was originally convicted for harassing Thurman back in 2008, when he was ordered to not attempt any contact with the actress for five years. It was only two years later when he was again taken into custody by police for violating the restraining order and trying to contact Thurman's office and cellphone (perhaps Hollywood stars should be more cautious about who they give their number out to). Unsurprisingly, Jordan - a former lifeguard and pool cleaner - has a history of mental health problems, and Thurman said of his actions at the initial trial that she was "completely freaked out". Perhaps not surprising, given that his stalking included sending photographs of brides with their heads removed and messages such as, "my hands should be on your body at all times."
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Uma Thurman
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