10 Craft Beers That Will Activate Your Gag Reflex

5. Twisted Pine Ghostface Killah

Gag-Inducing Ingredients: JalapeƱo, serrano, habanero, and ghost peppers No matter how far we evolve as humans, our species is long-destined to put ridiculously hot things in our mouths in an attempt to seem impressive, as if our ability to choke down the hottest pepper in the world and then promptly sit on the toilet for three months will make us legends in the minds of anyone who witnessed the feat. Well, the first part of it, anyhow. This is the spirit in which the Ghostface Killah was created. Using six of the hottest varieties of chili peppers in existence, the demented brewers at Twisted Pine decided to test the limits of its drinker's masculinity with the "hottest beer this side of hell." Dudes daring other dudes to drink a whole bottle of this accounts for roughly 90 percent of all sales.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.