10 Crap Valentine's Gifts To Make You Question Your Relationship

4. Penis Pump

2014 01 14 Mrconservative 52d5735045eea Cant decided what present to get your man for Valentine€™s Day? How about you give him a complex. According to nitetimetoys.com, one of their suggested gifts is a penis pump. It greatly increases sensitivity, stamina and most importantly, size. They even recommend that you take turns operating the pump. That€™s right; nothing screams romance more than inserting your member in a plastic tube and watching your partner vigorously pump away as they try to add an extra couple of centimetres to your limp penis. There may be no guarantee that your penis will grow but you can bet that your feeling of self-worthlessness will. But don€™t worry ladies; according to the website there is a gift for you too. With Valentine€™s Day being a special occasion, there is no better time to finally jump in the deep end and get yourself in shape with an Anal Training Kit. Imagine the look in your husband€™s eyes as pumps away on his penis pump and you show him that €˜€™WRONG HOLE€™€™ is something that he will never have to hear again.
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Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.