10 Creepy Public Information Films

6. In The Summertime

Central Office of InformationCentral Office of InformationThis advert from the mid-1990s brought a whole new meaning to the jug band blues of Mungo Jerry€™s 1970s hit In the Summertime. As singer Ray Dorset melodically urges us to €˜have a drink, have a drive go out and see what you can find€™ a group of young revellers enjoy a few afternoon ales in a country pub. All the gang are together, the booze is flowing and Mungo Jerry is on the jukebox €“ what could possibly go wrong? At this point, Full Monty star Hugo Speer cheerfully leaves in a car with two women (presumably off to show them his Chippendale€™s routine €“ well, he is lightly oiled). But the cheery music and summer vibes grind to a juddering halt as we are shown the grim consequences of drink driving. Thanks for the advice Ray. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr3CfhveC2U
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Loves: Nostalgia, drums and Guided by Voices. Hates: Mondays