10 Dumbest Things In Harry Potter And The Cursed Child

8. Harry’s Terrible Parenting Skills

Harry Potter Voldemort

Whilst it’s important for characters to have flaws, Harry’s parenting skills are embarrassingly poor.

Even before Albus started life at Hogwarts he had an enormous amount of pressure put upon him simply due to his name. Both Harry and Ginny were more than a little foolhardy to name their son after the greatest wizard of all time.

Harry demonstrates his lack of judgement still further when he tells Albus he wishes he wasn’t his son. Sure, such a pronouncement comes after a heated argument, but it’s still an unforgivable thing to say.

To top it all off, Harry also prevents Albus from seeing Scorpius Malfoy – his only school friend. He even goes so far as to give Professor McGonagall the Marauder’s Map to stop the pair of them meeting up in secret.

Given Harry is meant to be a noble and courageous figure, these actions contradict the core of his character. Why Rowling was happy to keep these moments is anyone’s guess.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.