10 Emotional Stages Of Shopping In Primark

7. You Discover Utter Bliss In The Shoe Section

You venture up to the first floor and gasp in disbelief. Aisle upon aisle of shoes in every shape and size lie before you, just waiting for you to go and buy probably all of them. Granted, there appear to be at least ten thousand other women with the same idea as you, but look - there are shop assistants every where bringing out new shoes to replace the ones being snatched up like there's no tomorrow! You make a mad dash for a pair of white fake converse in a size six at the same time as a harassed woman - you've got one shoe, she's got the other. You size her up; she looks like she's going to win this one. But they're a size six - absolute gold in the hierarchy of shoe sizes. You take a deep breath - and drop the shoes. She saunters off smugly, having won the prize. You console yourself by picking up eight pairs of stilettos which cost £7 each. Might as well stock up now while you're here.
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).