10 Emotional Stages Of Shopping In Primark

6. This Is A Commitment You've Never Experienced Before

Love Actually Gif You've never been this committed to anything; not a school project, your dissertation, not even your own boyfriend. You take your basket (which is looking dangerously full now, and you've only been to one and a bit floors) and power through to the next section. It appears to be the lingerie section. But you need tights - you'll need to remember to head back downstair to pick those up later. Why couldn't they make room for them up here? Oh. That's why. You're suddenly surrounded by an ocean of knickers, bras, baby doll dresses, corsets, sexy nighties. There appears to be a million types of pants to choose from: orange g-strings, leopard print french knickers, big white Bridget Jones pants, even some tangas like the ones you used to love buying in Tammy Girl when you were twelve. It's a lingerie dream. And you just delve right in.
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).